2007 American Advertising Award Winners

Best of Show

Advertising Industry Self Promotion

Get It! Campaign; The Gazette


TV – Budgie Buddies; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Web – Flying Horse Website; Sandia, Inc.

Print – RU-486 Booklet; Focus On The Family

Radio – Church at Cheyenne Mountain; The Church at Cheyenne Mountain

“Judges Choice” Awards

Creative Writing/Radio – Budgie Buddies; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Print – Brio Mother-Daughter Cruise Campaign; Focus On The Family

Collateral – Johannes Hunter Jewelers Catalog; lowercase h graphic

Silver Medal Winner — Karole Campbell





Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: David C Cook Catalog

01B Sales Kits or Prod Info. Sheets

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: El Pomar Foundation
Title: El Pomar Foundation Folder

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: HDI
Advertiser: HDI
Title: New Member Kit

01D Menu

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: Tony’s Bar
Title: Tony’s Bar Menu

02A Packaging, Single Unit

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: David C Cook VBS Launch Kit

02B Packaging, CD, DVD, VHS

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Radio Theatre Amazing Grace

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: ACSI
Advertiser: ACSI Operations Department
Title: ACSI Student Activities CD Pkg

02C Packaging, Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: AIO 20th Anniversary Campaign

03A Point of Purchase (POP),
Counter Top or Attached

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: Farmers State Bank
Title: FSB Switch Promo

03B Point of Purchase (POP),
Free StandinG

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Boundless Exhibit Display Booth

03C Trade Show Exhibit

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: David C Cook Trade Show Exhibit

03D Point of Purchase, Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Girl of the Golden West
Title: In-Store Ceiling Banners

04 Audio/Visual Sales Presentation

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: MyFamily Promo Video

06B Annual Report, Four-color

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: El Pomar Foundation
Title: El Pomar Foundation Annual Rpt

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JA Worldwide
Advertiser: JA Worldwide
Title: JA Worldwide 06-07 Annual Rpt

07B Brochure, Four-color

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Alaska Cruise Booklet

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Braintree Marketing
Advertiser: Sanctuary in the Pines
Title: Sanctuary in the Pines

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: HDI
Advertiser: HDI
Title: 2007 Practices & Salary Survey

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: ACSI
Advertiser: ACSI Intl. Ministries Dept.
Title: ACSI Short-term Missions Brochure

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JS Design
Advertiser: Boggan Custom Home Building
Title: Bouganvilla Brochure

08A Publication Design, Cover

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: Finding Home

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: Red Letters

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: The Clear Light of Day

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: ACSI
Advertiser: Purposeful Design Publications
Title: Letters by a Modern Mystic Cvr.

08C Publication Design, Series

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: HDI
Advertiser: HDI
Title: Support World Magazine

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: ACSI
Advertiser: Purposeful Design Publications
Title: Total Health Textbook Series Cvrs

10B Special Event Material, Invite

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JA Worldwide
Advertiser: JA Worldwide
Title: U.S. Bus. Hall of Fame Save/Date

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: Flying Horse Colorado
Title: Flying Horse Wine Tasting Invite

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JS Design
Advertiser: The Canyons at Broadmoor
Title: The Canyons at Broadmoor Silent Auction & Fashion Show Formal Invite

10C Spec. Evt. Material, Ann’cmt.

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JA Worldwide
Advertiser: JA Worldwide
Title: Free Enterprise Society Registry

10D Special Event Material, CMPN.

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Big Dig Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Brio Mother-Daughter Cruise Cmpn


11A Single (B2B or Consumer), Flat

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: HDI
Advertiser: HDI
Title: Support Ctr Analyst Paper Doll Mlr

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Health System
Title: Memorial Hospital North Grand Opening Direct Mail

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Health System
Title: Memorial Hospital Central Birthing Center Direct Mail

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: lowercase h graphic design
Advertiser: Johannes Hunter Jewelers
Title: Valentine

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Flying Horse
Title: Flying Horse Realtor Event Postcard

11B Single (B2B or Consumer), 3-D

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: HDI
Advertiser: HDI
Title: Knowledge Mgt Forum Car Mailer

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: lowercase h graphic design
Advertiser: Johannes Hunter Jewelers
Title: Johannes Hunter Jewelers Catalog

12 A Campaign, Flat

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Braintree Marketing
Advertiser: Sanctuary in the Pines
Title: Sanctuary in the Pines

13 B Spec. Adv., Other Merch.

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: ACSI
Advertiser: ACSI Capital Corporation
Title: ACSI Event Calendar

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: drew and hartung
Advertiser: First National Bank in Trinidad
Title: 2008 Historic Trinidad Calendar


14 A Outdoor Board, Flat

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: lowercase h graphic design
Advertiser: Wag N’ Wash Healthy Pet Center
Title: Doggy Stylin’

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Insight Marketing
Advertiser: Porsche of Colorado Springs
Title: Sunday Snowday

15B Vehicle Graphic, Wrap

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Front Range Express
Title: FREX buses

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Central Bancorp
Title: CBAN Zoomobile

18 Out-of-Home, Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Breakaway Father-Son Campaign


20B Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Visual Image Advertising
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Utilities
Title: Greenback Campaign Non-Tradtnl


24B Campaign, Four-Color

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Brio Missions 2008 Trip Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Breakaway Renewal Campaign

25A Magazine Self-Promotion (CnsMR or Trd Pub), Single

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: JS Design
Advertiser: SH Publishing
Title: The Collection

25B Mag. Self-Promo (Consumer or Trade Publication), Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: HDI
Advertiser: HDI
Title: ITIL Magazine Ad Campaign


27B Full PG, Color

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Business Journal
Title: CSBJ I-Phone Ad-Tabloid Full Page

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Health System
Title: Mem. Hosp. North Grand Opening Ad

30A Campaign, Black and White

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Advertiser: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Title: Budgie Buddies

30B Campaign, Color

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Braintree Marketing
Advertiser: Sanctuary in the Pines
Title: Sanctuary in the Pines


32 B Web Sites, B-to-B, HTML

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Economic
Development Corporation
Title: CSEDC Website

33 B Web Sites, Consumer, HTML

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Flying Horse
Title: Flying Horse Website

34 B Online, E-Mails / E-Cards

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: Red Letters E-Card


37B Local (one metro), :60 or more

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Envoy Creative Media, Inc
Advertiser: The Church at Cheyenne Mountain
Title: Church at Cheyenne Mountain

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Advertiser: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Title: Budgie Buddies – Buddies ‘til the end

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Advertiser: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Title: Budgie Buddies – Rhymie Rhymes

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: The Promenade Shops at Briargate
Title: One Gift Card… Endless Possibilities

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: C&C Sand and Stone
Title: Cat of the Week Radio Spot

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Visual Image Advertising
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Utilities
Title: Greenback Campaign: 60 Radio #1

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Visual Image Advertising
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Utilities
Title: Greenback Campaign: 60 Radio #2

38 Campaign

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Advertiser: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Title: Budgie Buddies

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Visual Image Advertising
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Utilities
Title: Greenback Campaign: 60 Radio

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Audio Architects
Advertiser: Borriello Brothers pizza
Title: Borriello Brothers Pizza

39B Reg/Natl, :60 or more

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: SOHL ‘Beep’

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Brio Missions Trip ‘Llama’

40 Regional/National Campaign,

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Envoy Creative Media, Inc
Advertiser: The National Day of Prayer
Title: Traveling Prayer

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: A Mystery of Faith

41B Radio Self-Promo, Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Bahakel
Advertiser: KILO/Pro-promotions
Title: Toys for Tots


42 B Local (one DMA), :30

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Hospital for Children
Title: MHC ‘Star Television Spot’
Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Advertiser: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Title: Budgie Buddies

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Health System
Title: ‘Mem. Hosp. North Opening Spot’

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Visual Image Advertising
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Utilities
Title: Greenback Campaign TV

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Bourbon Street Productions
Advertiser: FAC
Title: The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center: First Thursdays

43 Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Bourbon Street Productions
Advertiser: ERA Shields
Title: ERA Shields


51 Consumer, Local

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Cave of the Winds
Title: Cave of the Winds Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Health System
Title: Memorial Hospital North Grand Opening Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Advertiser: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Title: Budgie Buddies


60B Collateral, Annual Report

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Girl Scouts Wagon Wheel Council
Title: Girl Scouts Wagon Wheel Council 2007 Report

60C Collateral, Brochure/Sales Kit

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: New Believer’s Kit ‘Now What?’

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Focus on the Family
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: RU-486 Booklet

60G Collateral, Cards/Invitations or Announcements

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: United States Olympic Committee
Title: United States Olympic Committee Invitation

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Memorial Health System Foundation
Title: Memorial Health System Foundation Gala Invitation

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JS Design
Advertiser: Goodwill Industries of Colorado Spgs
Title: “An Enchanted Evening” Formal Invite

62C Broadcast/Electronic, Aud/Vis

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Colorado Springs Economic Development Corporation
Title: CSEDC City of the Future Video

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Bourbon Street Productions
Advertiser: American Institute of Architects
Title: The American Institute of Architects: Blue Print for America

66B Campaign, Mixed/Multiple Media Campaign

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Pikes Peak United Way
Title: 2007 Pikes Peak United Way Cmpn


67B Creative Services and Industry Suppliers, Stationery Package

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: David C Cook Stationary Set

67E Creative Services and Industry Suppliers, Broadcast

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: The Gazette
Advertiser: SpringsJobs.com
Title: Change your tune “ SpringsJobs.com

67F Creative SvCs and Industry Suppliers, Interactive

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Cukjati
Advertiser: Cukjati
Title: Cukjati Website

69A Campaign, Single Medium

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: The Gazette
Advertiser: The Gazette
Title: Get it! Campaign

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: The Gazette
Advertiser: THE GAZETTE

69B Campaign, Mixed/MLTPL Media

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: The Gazette
Advertiser: The Gazette
Title: ONE


70 Logo

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: Red Tree Mrktg Resultants
Title: Red Tree Mrktg Resultants Logo

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: Salon 9
Title: Salon 9 Logo

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Boswell Idea Group, LLC
Advertiser: Vertivity, inc.
Title: Vertivity Logo

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Sandia Inc.
Advertiser: Gilded Artisan
Title: Gilded Artisan Logo

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: JS Design
Advertiser: Boggan Homes
Title: Bouganvilla Logo Design

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: David C. Cook
Advertiser: David C Cook
Title: David C Cook Logo

72C Photography, DigiTALLY Enhanced

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Simchat Torah Beit Midrash
Advertiser: Simchat Torah Beit Midrash
Title: From All The Nations

73 A Animation or Special Effects, Video, Film

Award: Gold ADDY® Award
Entrant: Simchat Torah Beit Midrash
Advertiser: Simchat Torah Beit Midrash
Title: City Of Lights

74B Sound, Music with Lyrics

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Envoy Creative Media, Inc
Advertiser: Focus on the Family
Title: Question of the day

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Insight Marketing
Advertiser: Broadmoor Dental
Title: Where Did You Get That Smile

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Insight Marketing
Advertiser: Shewmaker’s
Title: Point Zoom Click

75 Cinematography

Award: Silver ADDY® Award
Entrant: Bourbon Street Productions
Advertiser: ERA Shields
Title: ERA Shields


S09 A Editorial Design, Cover

Award: Student Gold ADDY®
Entrant: Megan Morales
Advertiser: John Brown University
Title: The Gentle Giant

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